Our services
With your Idea membership you can access thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines and newspapers for FREE.
Children and families
We have a wide range of family-friendly activities and resources available throughout the year.
Free online services
We subscribe - so you don't have to!
Whether you're researching your family history, looking for some trusted information about an historical figure, wanting to prepare for the citizenship test or just want some help with your small business - we've got the information you need.
Free mobile data, texts and minutes
Stay connected and access vital services through the National Databank scheme.
Tablet Lending Service
Idea Store Service is piloting a tablet computer lending service over the next six months. Residents of Tower Hamlets who are digitally excluded can borrow a tablet computers from for up to 12 weeks.
Council services
Access Tower Hamlets council services such as benefits, council tax, parking and recycling.
Using a computer in Idea Store
All Idea Stores and Libraries (excluding Idea Store Watney Market) have public computers.
Room Hire
Do you want to hold a meeting or training session? Then why not use the facilities at your local Idea Store. Each Idea Store has Learning Labs that are available for hire.