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Free Online Services

The British Newspaper Archive

The British Newspaper Archive

Discover history as it happened with access to hundreds of historic newspapers from all over Britain and Ireland dating from 1700 onwards with our subscription to the British Newspaper Archive. Their collections feature several East London newspapers, including:

This service is only available at Tower Hamlets Idea Stores and libraries.

You will need to register for a free account and then login to the British Newspaper Archive with that account in an Idea Store (or on the Idea Store Wi-Fi) to get unlimited access.

What Everyone Needs to Know

Have you ever wanted to learn about a topic but are overwhelmed by its complexity? What Everyone Needs to Know is here to help.

Written in a straight-forward question-and-answer format, this series is perfect for staying up-to-date on the most important topics leading the discussion today in politics, health, global affairs, and more.

Just click on the "Sign in to an additional subscriber account" on the left and put in your Idea Store card number.

What Everyone Needs to Know